

Creativity shines best when shared. Let me help you develop and create a space for you that lets your room bloom. Whether it’s your own home, office, child’s room, or business your blank canvas wall can become a place that tells a story, sets a mood, brings energy and new life to lift and elevate your space and define you.

Let’s stir the imagination! Contact me and let us get started on this creative journey!

It all started with a little Punky Power! As a little girl I was a BIG Punky Brewster fan. I was thoroughly inspired by her style, her offbeat vibe, and of course her dog. My eyes delighted in bouncing around and soaking in all her colorful mismatched clothes, accessories, and shoes. Her clothes were a beautiful textured rainbow, and her dynamic tree top clubhouse with all the different colored walls were immensely galvanizing . Her rainbow approach to life has always been a colossal seed of inspiration to me.

To this day I love the way color and textures combine and move you through a piece. How these elements can really speak to create a mood, make you feel a certain way, express a certain atmosphere, and connect you visually to a particular time, place, movement, community, or feeling is what I strive for. I love exploring these concepts and unearthing these feelings.

My journey has been one big Peter Pan adventure to another. Playing with my many different passions from environmental conservationist, whale watch naturalist, veterinary technician, a writer, a potter, a cook, a lover of All arts, my family, and my faith have lead me down many roads. Searching for that connection that would allow me to best serve and use my talents. Divine Providence is about God helping you to find your path, to be the best you, and let your light shine for others. And that is what has lead me here. Using my creativity is my best path, my creative providence, that I want to share with you.